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The Many Benefits of Converting Your Pool to Salt Water

One of the most frequently asked questions we get from customers is "should I convert my chlorine pool to saltwater, and what are the benefits"? We understand that when it comes to pool maintenance, many homeowners find themselves torn between the traditional chlorine tab method and the increasingly popular saltwater conversion systems. While both options serve the purpose of keeping your pool clean and safe, there are several compelling reasons why converting your pool to salt water is becoming the preferred choice. In this blog post, we'll explore the health benefits, bacteria-killing properties, and more, that make saltwater pools an excellent alternative to chlorine tabs.

1. Health Benefits:

a) Reduced Irritation: Chlorine is known to cause skin and eye irritation in some individuals, especially those with sensitive skin. Saltwater pools have a lower chlorine concentration than traditional chlorinated pools, resulting in reduced irritation and a more comfortable swimming experience.

b) Gentle on Hair and Clothing: Saltwater is milder on hair and clothing compared to chlorine-treated water, which can often leave hair dry and brittle and cause color fading in swimwear.

2. Reduced Dependence on Chemicals:

a) Lower Chlorine Usage: Saltwater pools use a salt chlorinator that converts salt into chlorine naturally. The system produces chlorine on demand, eliminating the need for the constant addition of chlorine tablets. As a result, you'll reduce the number of chemicals required and minimize associated costs.

b) Reduced Chlorine Odor: Chlorine-treated pools may have a strong chemical odor, which can be unpleasant for swimmers. Saltwater pools, on the other hand, have a lower chlorine concentration and, consequently, less odor.

3. Natural Bacteria Killer:

a) Continuous Sanitization: Saltwater pools generate chlorine through electrolysis, maintaining a constant and more controlled sanitization process. This helps eliminate a wide range of bacteria, viruses, and algae more effectively, reducing the risk of waterborne illnesses.

b) Algae and Mold Prevention: Saltwater pools are less prone to algae and mold growth because they maintain a more stable chlorine level, preventing these growths that can be unsightly and difficult to eliminate.

4. Easier Maintenance and Cost Savings:

a) Simplified Maintenance: Saltwater systems automate chlorine generation, significantly reducing the manual effort required for pool maintenance. With proper monitoring and periodic adjustments, saltwater pools are easier to maintain compared to traditional chlorine-treated pools.

b) Cost-Effective: Although the initial cost of converting to a saltwater system may be higher, the long-term savings on chemicals and ongoing maintenance can offset this expense. Additionally, reduced damage to swimwear, pool equipment, and reduced wear on the pool liner may contribute to further long-term savings.


In summary, converting your pool to a saltwater system offers numerous benefits that make it a more attractive and healthier option compared to traditional chlorine tabs. Health benefits, such as reduced skin and eye irritation, combined with the continuously generated and more controlled chlorine levels, help ensure a safer swimming environment. Furthermore, the simplified maintenance and potential cost savings make this conversion an appealing choice for homeowners seeking long-term convenience and value.

Note: While saltwater pools provide numerous advantages, it's essential to maintain proper water chemistry, monitor salt levels, and undertake routine maintenance to ensure optimal performance. Ask the Jimmy's Pools team how we can help you can convert your chlorine pool to saltwater.



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